Selling More with Automated Stock Sales

by Adam Yeadon

So you have over 9,000 stock items and want to put some of them on sale on your website? Here’s how Ambrose Fox helped English Woodlands Timber to automate their stock sale process.

Ambrose Fox's Galaxy platform provides English Woodlands Timber with a real-time stock and order processing platform used by staff and customers on a daily basis. The Galaxy platform is also integrated with English Woodlands Timber's website so visitors can browse and search through the available timber online.

English Woodlands Timber asked Ambrose Fox to help them easily include discounted stock items in a Timber Sale and make them available through the website.

The solution was to extend the existing stock search tool to automatically display a 'Sale' section if any active stock was marked as 'Timber Sale' status allowing to user to browse through the sale items easily.

English Woodlands Timber could then focus on managing their stock in Galaxy safe in the knowledge that any items marked for Timber Sale would be automatically included on the website.

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